Genesis Database of Planet Formation Models
In the frame of the Earths in Other Solar Systems project our team has developed an extensive library of planet formation models, including the planetary systems that emerged from these simulations. This comprehensive library of simulated planetary systems – the Genesis Database – provides an opportunity for researchers worldwide to explore connections between the initial and boundary conditions of forming planetary systems and the final planetary system architectures. The animation shows the formation of planetary systems in four different scenarios. From Mulders et al. 2020 |
Terrestrial planet formation and water delivery around a sunlike star
N-body simulations of the final assembly phase of terrestrial planets around a solar mass star, in the absence of giant planets. Each panels shows a simulation with similar setup but slightly different initial conditions. The color denotes water content: red is dry, blue is water-rich. The horizontal axis shows distance from the star, the vertical axis the eccentricity of the orbits. From Ciesla et al. 2015 and Mulders et al. 2015 |
Terrestrial planet formation and water delivery around a low-mass star
N-body simulations of the final assembly phase of terrestrial planets around a star 60% as massive as the sun. Each panels shows a simulation with similar setup but slightly different initial conditions. The color denotes water content: red is dry, blue is water-rich.The horizontal axis shows distance from the star, the vertical axis the eccentricity of the orbits. From Ciesla et al. 2015 |